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Dazza Tebbs

influential people in my life

Hi I'm Darren Tebbenham and I love what I do. Today, we have graduates in 6 continents and in more than 30 countries around the world. I thought I would share a few significant influences in my life and why I follow these people.

  • Stephen Covey - his 8 habits teach how to be more effective in any and all areas of your life. They are powerful habits and have shaped my thinking over the last 2 decades. A legend! Start with an end in mind. Put first things first. Be proactive not reactive. Seek to understand before being understood. Think win/win. Work in synergy with others. Sharpen the saw and stay fresh. Find your voice and help others find theirs.

  • Martin Seligman - his boldness in following his own beliefs about psychology, the science of positivity and authentic happiness inspire me! Genius! Find your purpose, connect with others and enjoy having and doing nice things from time to time.

  • Simon Sinek - beyond leading with your why he champions people-centred corporations, communities and cultures pushing the importance of good leadership, so missing in the world in which we live today. Megastar! Why do we do what we do and, if we didn't, in what ways would the world or the communities in which we operate lose out?

  • Oprah Winfrey - an all-inspiring leader and someone who has consistently made me want to better myself. My Hero! Appreciate what we already have and strive for more.

  • Michael Gerber - having engaged with his books, CDs and coaching programs, I love the concept and power of the technician becoming the business owner and entrepreneur. Amazing! We must wear all three hats: the technician (the personal trainer, easy to wear), the manager (not so easy to wear and therefore necessary to plan our time to do so) and the entrepreneur (our ultimate responsibility where we must work on our business not just in it).

  • Napoleon Hill - just the greatest success coach who's own personal story through adversity is all-inspiring too. Awesome! Desire | Faith | Autosuggestion | Specialised Knowledge | Imagination | Organised Planning | Decision | Persistence | The Power of the Mastermind | The Mystery of Sex Transmutation | The subconscious Mind | The Brain | The Sixth Sense.

  • Tony Robbins - his energy, passion and 4-day event in London, books and! Another Hero! You cannot get to a place you do not believe exists. Success is predominantly a mindset!

  • Jack Canfield - ever since The Secret have been a fan, having read and listened to his books and audio books. Inspiring! Believe...even in the absence of evidence to prove it so, believe and act as if it is already done.


  • We help people IMAGINE a future they can get excited about.

  • We IGNITE passion.

  • And we INSPIRE people to Be More!

Darren T

We ignite passion, inspire success and help people imagine a future they can get excited about -


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