Get a Copy and Find One or Two You Can Implement Today!

101 Ways to Enhance Your PT Business
This book is designed to offer ideas about how to build a more robust Personal Training business with a “wow-factor” appeal to attract NEW clients into your business. It is full of handy tips and hints about how to maintain the clients you already have, and encourage them to refer others to you. You don’t need to use all 101, but hopefully there are a number you could embrace and implement immediately into your business.
Not got a PT business yet? No worries; many of the 101 ways walk you through how to go from just getting started to establishing yourself as the fully booked go-to-fitness professional in your community!
In terms of how to use this resource, it is simple. Read through all 101 ideas. As one resonates with you, write down the number. When you have finished, go back and make a note of those you wrote down. Decide on two or three you could quickly embrace and implement and integrate them immediately into your everyday practice. Return to this book in 1-3 weeks’ time and re-read those ideas you wrote down first time around but did not choose to implement, and decide on another two or three to implement into your business. Repeat this process several times until you feel you have your business just the way you want it.
Enjoy :)